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Event Recap–HubSpot’s Inbound 2022

Written by Grace Mathews | Sep 14, 2022 12:24:40 AM

Boston, MA, 7 September, 2022 - 9 September, 2022

New product releases, keynote speeches, business insights, and more at HubSpot’s Inbound 2022.

Inbound AV was delighted to take part in last week’s Inbound 2022 event, a four day convention hosted by HubSpot for HubSpot partners, customers, and other business leaders. The first in-person event since 2019, Inbound 2022 provided a number of thrilling speeches, seminars, and more geared towards educating businesses on inbound methodologies and other important strategies of today’s business world. 

Keep reading for a recap of our favorite parts of the event.

New HubSpot Skills/Services

HubSpot shared exciting demonstrations and announcements on some of their most-recent and upcoming new features.

  • Customer journey analytics -  Coming to public beta in October 2022, this new release from HubSpot turns every engagement into a datapoint–providing users with insights on what works and what doesn't.

    Customer journey analytics allows users to view marketing activities and interactions across ads, email, page views, media, and more–all in one place. Unify teams over one set of clear, illuminating data, and better optimize your marketing campaigns to increase conversions. 

  • Whatsapp integration - Now in beta, HubSpot’s new Whatsapp integration allows users to seamlessly connect your Whatsapp business account to HubSpot. Find all Whatsapp customer conversations directly within HubSpot and keep these discussions better connected to your CRM. 

  • Google Enhanced Conversions integration - Coming later in 2022, this is a feature that can change the game when it comes to navigating your business data in a new privacy-first climate. The integration will allow HubSpot users to maintain accurate and telling conversion metrics with privacy preserving technology. Want to learn more about this feature and when you can get your hands on it? You can sign up now for more information.

  • New opportunities to connect with industry experts on - HubSpot’s new networking platform boasts a growing community of partners, customers, and other industry connections. Join the conversation to brainstorm innovative approaches to problems, build community, and further career and business opportunities.  

  • A list of new and improved features highlighted at Inbound 2022 - There were so many more new features and platform improvements highlighted by HubSpot during Inbound 2022. With additional free CMS tools, to new HubSpot payments functions, to added data reporting capabilities, HubSpot users can enjoy a more unified, efficient CRM than ever before. Check out the full list of latest releases here


New Business Solutions 

One of the most exciting activities at Inbound 2022 was meeting and building connections with other HubSpot users and partners. Whether virtual or in-person, coming together truly breathes life into our community. We will continue to keep learning from one another in order to grow as HubSpot members, business leaders, and innovative thinkers who value collaboration as a means of progress. 

We also took the time to absorb knowledge of the latest trends in business and marketing that can help us provide the best business strategies to our clients. Some of our favorite presentations covered topics including: 

  • The latest trends in email marketing that every business should be utilizing to optimize open rates, click-throughs, and conversions - Email marketing trends change rapidly. We were lucky enough to receive first-hand expert input on what new approaches to adopt in email campaigns. 

  • Pro-tips on how to beat social media and search engine algorithms with simple content best-practices - With the power to create content also comes some limitations with the platforms that we use. Many brands find themselves hitting a wall when it comes to establishing visibility on search engines and social media platforms. Inbound 2022 hosted a wonderful discussion by Neil Patel, founder of NP digital, on how to beat these algorithm blockages by catering your content to each platform. 

  • Insights on the future of web3.0 and how it will impact businesses and individuals on the internet - web3.0 is commonly thought of as still in its infancy. However, the concept, which aims to decentralize control of the internet via blockchain technology, is already making waves in the tech and business worlds. HubSpot hosted multiple conversations about web3.0 which spoke to the future of our existence on the internet and how this open up new opportunities for businesses. 

  • Community discussions about how to better connect individuals, processes, and businesses to drive progress - It’s been easy to feel disconnected in our current environment– the rise of the pandemic, a new online workforce, and environmental, social, and political trends seem to pull us apart. The opportunity to come together at Inbound, both in person and virtually, was an incredible opportunity for InboundAV and other businesses, entrepreneurs, and creative thinkers to share ideas and build lasting connections.

Are you interested in a deeper dive into any of these topics? Stay tuned for our upcoming blog posts that break down information on how to fuel business growth based on the insights we gained at Inbound 2022. Or, contact us for recommendations on what topics you want to see covered next! 

Dynamo Keynote Speakers

Inbound is known to boast lineups of amazing keynote speakers every year and the 2022 iteration did not disappoint.  Barack Obama, Jane Goodall, Viola Davis, as well as others, delivered inspiration speeches relating to the importance of community and bridging growing divides in a more inclusive world.

Here are some of our favorite quotes and takeaways: 

  • Former president Barack Obama delivered personal anecdotes, insights on leadership, and advice on what we can do to bridge the divide between progress and connection today. In his keynote speech, audience members were honored to hear first-hand commentary on how we can look across political and societal divides to find commonalities in our national and global community. 

  • Dr. Jane Goodall spoke to pressing issues of sustainability, human connection with nature, and the need for perseverance to bring about change–on both a personal and global level.  She shared the insight that "Hope is an action, not just an emotion." 

  • Award-winning filmmaker and actress Viola Davis shared her journey to success as a black female actress in a business built with all odds stacked against her. Davis’s conviction to fight for representation in her field sent a powerful message: you need to stand up and make yourself seen in order to change industries for the better.


Do you have any questions or ideas related to HubSpot services, inbound marketing, web design, or something else? Inbound AV is here to support your business growth with creative and competitive solutions. We’re always up for a brainstorming session or Q&A if you want to talk about your business or marketing plans in more detail. Feel free to schedule a call with us to catch up and discuss.

Schedule a meeting with us.